Thursday, September 30, 2010

Reading History Essay

                                              Now let’s talk about literacy and language arts. This something that I learn more about every school year and it’s pretty interesting. I never really knew what literacy was; to me it was something that involved a lot of reading and writing. I I grew older I’ve gotten a better understanding of it. Literacy to myself means being able to read and write. I personally use literacy all day every day of my life. Well of course I use it to read and write text messages. I also use it in school to read directions and understand them.
I wasn’t a big reader when I was little or in the beginning of my education. My first grade teacher got me really interested to start reading kind of by myself because she made reading super fun. She read a lot of book with puppets and made us do the things that were happing in the book like jumping on one leg or spinning in a circle 5 times. One of my all time favorite nursery rhymes was “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes.
When I was in elementary school I moved around a lot. I first went to a school in Camden call Wiggins and then I moved to Sicklerville. In Sicklerville I went to J.W. Lilly and then school number 6 in Winslow.  This was the last place I moved to not including middle school. When I first really started to read independently I really liked Mike Lupica sports books. Some of my favorites are Travel Team and Heat. Another series that I have just found is the Chronicles of Vladimir Todd by Heather Brewer. There was never really a teacher that helped develop my interest for reading; it was more of following what the other student was doing. I started middle school in Winslow Township for my sixth and seventh grade years and then I moved to Gloucester township middle also knows as Ann A. Mullen right around the corner from a high school called Timber Creek. Wow I have a lot of favorite authors such as Heather Brewer, Mike Lupica, and Lois Lowry. All the genres I read have stayed the same and if they did change I probably wouldn’t read them anymore. I would never want the books I read to change because I like the way they are and that’s why I pick to read them. While high school I want to finish reading The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod series and all the Mike Lupica books that I’ve have not read yet. I do think I am a literate person. Now I’m not the greatest at all I can use a lot of help in the literacy department.
As of now I really like literacy and I like to write. I must say though, im not the best at writing. I need help on lot of things but I am willing to learn. At this moment of time I am reading The Chronicles of Vladimir Tod. I already read this during my 8th grade year but I didn’t really pay attention but I was interested in it. So I’m starting over the whole series. Literacy to me is important because you use it in your everyday life. I know that I use it for everything, such as texting, playing video games, and anything that I need to read or write. Literacy help everyone because it’s a big way to communicate. Literacy is exactly like a tree because like a tree you grow big and tall. It’s the same with literacy, every day your learn more and grow more with literacy.

By:Kahli Ross

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