Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Television

The Television
Who wants to get up every half an hour to change the television channel? That’s what a lot of people did when the television first came out. The thing that the modern society takes advantage of has come a long way. People use to have to walk just to change the channel. People would call that insane nowadays. Televisions come with features now and not just the ability to change channels. TVs also are more real life in picture quality and other things.
People use to get at their house just by watching television. My great grandmother once told me she uses to walk from and to the TV about 65 times a day. I personally think this is crazy to not have a remote for your television. This device we call a remote is standard in nearly all televisions. Some companies even make universal remote which can program to any television; who ever made this invention is a genius.
Televisions come with more features than some people wouldn’t believe. I personally know that my TV allows me to view two channels at a time. Some televisions even allow you listen to radio stations. I find this an amazing thing to have. You kind of have the best of both worlds if you want to look at it that way. Some televisions even allow you to use the screen for your computer. Who doesn’t want a bigger computer screen?
Here is the thing that I love about televisions nowadays. The picture qualities on televisions are just amazing. There is this thing that they call high definition also known as HD. This make you televisions picture more clearly and real. I bet sport fans love this as it makes you feel like you’re really there because of the high definition. This is the best thing the world has come out with, it the 3-D television. Usually you had to go to the movies to see 3-D. People that play video games must love this because I know I do. These features have made watching television that much more interesting and fun. What child or adult would like to watch their favorite show in high definition or 3-D? these things are just simply amazing.

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